Monday, September 12, 2011

Mr. Bing Film Notes

Mr. Bing & L'Art Nouveau

art dealer and promoter of japanese art
siegfried bing rejuvenated decorated arts--his gallery gave the name to the art nouveau movement

died 1905

came to paris 1854 to work in in family import/export business

interested in ceramics

porcelain manufacturing

1867 bing recd gold medal from french govt-recognized himas a manufacturer of porcelain and ceramics and his ability to work with artists

very secretive person

during the 1870's, bing began to sell and collect japanese art and had his first sale in 1876

exhibition universale-1878
 opened first shop 19 rue chauchat
began selling japanese objects, but began to get interested in more serious art
crossed over japan and began collecting many objects, including daily objects for everyday use

photographer friend--craft
decided to disseminate knowledge of japan through a monthly publication
le japon artistique-french english
graphic encyclopedia

bing believed that nature's inspiration is present in all japanese works

1890-bing organized with friends to exhibit a collection of japanese prints, including artists like hokusai
"pictures of the floating world"

daily scenes from japanese life and nature

Edmond Michotte helped the Belgian government pick out their first japanese prints
 bing was interested in having artists visit him
vincent van gogh was one such artist, and communicated to his brother about bing and his collection

bing "saw color differently" after he went to japan and collected japanese art

bing became very interested in the usa in the late 1880s

he visited the usa in 1894

in a  report about american art, bing said that tiffany dominated the glass market, and that the process was comparable to

13 french stained glass windows were created when bing arranged for tiffany and artists to collaborate

in brussels, bing visited a coop called la maison d'or
and bing decided to remodel his shop, and to call it l'art nouveau
frank sp? designed facade of bing's new shop

louis bon?

central atrium decorated by "modern" sculptures and paintings

smoking room and dining room designed by architect

bucolic wall decorations
stained glass panel designed by toulouse-lautrec is in shop
ceilings and doors are made of hexagonal glass

bing wanted to bring together everything that might be found in a modern home
beauty should be in everything, even in the most basic everyday objects
bing had a wide network of people, and influence on the art world
1895-dec art nouveau exhibit, hostile media and critics
critics said that bing should have exhibited more french artists

1896 exhibited (for the first time in paris) edvard munch

bing added a 3rd floor for jewelers

eugene gaillard was the first artist that bing worked with for his art nouveau

rid applied arts of the commonplace styles

porcelains and fabrics were fabricated outside of bing's workshop

edward cologna (sp?)

just before 1900-bing met G. de Faure  who became his principal desinger
de faure intuitively understood bing
bing provided de faure of revealing his full potential--metal work, textiles, furniture design, etc

1900 world's fair
l'art nouveau bing-classical rectangular pavillion

every room had a different ambience
dining room
cologna--subtler, more graceful lines
de faure-slender, mysterious women typical of his design, pastel tones and with stylized plant motifs

de faure knew what the contemporary woman liked (design)
bing spent a considerable amount of his fortune promoting art nouevau and creating works

bing declared bankruptcy in 1904
dies sept 06 1905
bing was a very popular dealer for museums at the time

refinement of the far east with the best of western civilization

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