Yellow Submarine
opening sequence:
psychedelic colors
patterns, color fields
fantastical, whimsical
imprecise lines and shapes
simplicity in colors, shapes, lines, patterns
organic shapes
elanor rigby
submarine through london
mix of black and white imagery and colors
clothes are contemporary for that time period
backgrounds are generally gritty and black and white, characters are more colorful and look like contour or loose drawing
random objects and characters that make no sense (nonsense world)
sitar and incorporation of live action film-idea of meditation and spirituality with images and sitar
series of fast images of places, indicates a long travel time
multi-colored stripes and patterns (missoni)
juxtaposition of real-life footage and cartoon
objects move in time to music
mixture of styles and ideas
related to op art, illusionistic animations
visual representation of sound waves
bestiary of bizarre made-up mismatched nonsensical creatures
in an entirely non-racist episode, "injuns" attack and ringo is saved by white men on horses
nonsense speak, nonsense images, made-up creatures mixed with regular objects and activities (typing, piano playing, writing, painting)
things to think about:
how do they utilize the gestalt theory
examples of early post-modernism (culture bending back on itself--look back and understand its accumulation though juxtaposition)
conglomerations in relation to past artistic movements (esp international style)
direct influence of this on children's tv
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